Friday, January 18, 2013

rugby? more like mud wresting (but actually)

I did successfully join the rugby team here! Practices started right when we got back but unlike at Pitt during the winter, these practices are outside. "But wait!" you may say, "isn't the weather gross and cold and wet and muddy and disgusting and rainy and freezing?" So glad you should ask, because you're right! Cork weather is indeed all of the above.

Seriously though, I thought we played in anything back home in Pittsburgh, but these Irish girls (or rather coaches cuz I heard quite a few teammates grumbling) will play in just about any weather. Today was particularly lovely and by the end of it I would've been cleaner if I had rolled around a pig sty and drier if I had actually gone swimming. I was sitting on a raincoat for the car ride home and when I got up to leave there was actually a puddle of muddy water where my butt just was. Lovely. I also decided to get into the shower fully clothed which turned out to be a good idea as it was way easier to clean up. I did have a scare though when the water pressure went down to almost nothing for about a minute just as I was half dressed in muddy clothes cover in dirty and smelling like poop.

Not that I'm really complaining though cuz it's way too much fun and I'm super excited to finally be playing rugby again. =) I will continue with rugby updates once games actually start, but I'm pretty sure that isn't until the first week of February.

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