Friday, January 18, 2013

laundry adventures (read: mishaps)

This evening I learned the hard way that Irish washing machines, or at least the ones I'm using, are NOT the same as those back home. Usually I have no regard for separating colors from whites and just throw everything in and it all comes out not covered in dirt and smelling nice. And that's all I really cared about.

I tried doing the same this time with everything from my whites to my bright red under armour. I had done one load before with the same things and there was nothing wrong with them. I think this washer might have been set to a higher temperature because everything came out looking like this:

The picture doesn't really do it justice because the under armour still looks red, but for reference my pillow is white. The bra that used to be white is now a darker shade of grey than the shirt that is actually supposed to be grey. At least the only shirts effected are the ones I use for working out or pajamas so people will only be laughing at my stupidity at rugby practice instead of all the time.

Needless to say, I think I'll be washing my under armour by hand from now on.

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