Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oh yeah, I do go to school here...

I finally registered for classes! For anyone who still remembers that I actually came here to study. My classes are Health Services, Principles and Practice of Health Promotion, Spoken Irish (most of you will know this as Gaelic), Aspects of Irish Folklore, Intro to Irish Traditional Music, and Forensic Psychology.

Quite the conglomeration of unlikely classes, I know, but I figure I'd take a combination of fun easy classes, with interesting classes, and classes that actually matter to my future. I also managed (again) to not have classes on Fridays! Yay! So now I have nice long 3 day weekends for lots of fun adventures. I'm also going to try this new thing where I don't forget or procrastinate and update this thing more often. It's probably just as hard to read 3 or 4 gigantic posts in one day as it is to write them. Oops.

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