Thursday, January 10, 2013

Look up for rainbows!

Today marks the first full week of classes since I have none on Fridays! Hurrah! It really didn't seem like a lot though. I had been planning on taking 5 classes but one of them has yet to start and the credits are double what they'd be in the States so they're 2.5 US credits each. I might add another just so I don't get stuck with 1/2 a credit at Pitt. which It'd be irritating and not very helpful when trying to determine how many credits I actually have. The class that starts later is spoken Irish, as in gaelic, but that's only offered to international students since Irish students take 10 years of it in primary school growing up. They create the classes around the international students' schedules which is nice so that more people can take it. I just hope to keep Fridays clear since that would be awesome and leave time for adventuring across the country.

In more exciting news the sun has been out since Tuesday! Ane lemme tell ya, boy is it a treat. I hadn't seen the sun for the entire first week that I've been here and supposedly that's normal. No wonder Irish people are pale and burn so easily. The stereotype needs to come from somewhere.

To add to the general stock pile of exciting news I also started rugby! I was initially going to go to a club meeting thing and meet with the captains or people in charge of it but I ran into an American student in one of my classes who had met someone on the team already. She was going to practice that night (Tuesday) so I decided to tag along. I was very relieved to see that I wasn't the only international but the Irish students were friendly (as usual) so I really had no worries.

And to leave you with a hilarious (yet extremely accurate) quote I heard yesterday, "When in Ireland, look down for coins and look down for dog poo, but look up for rainbows." On the bright side, at least I'm not looking up for dog poo.

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