Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Birthday Barbie

This past Thursday just so happened to be a very exciting day for me as it was mah birfday!!! This picture pretty much sums up my opinion of it:
In all seriousness, it was awesome. I think my roommates (+Christine) were more excited for it than I was as they surprised me halfway through the day with balloons, party poppers, birthday hats, and decorations galore (most of which are still up).

A group of us decided to celebrate in the true Irish fashion by doing a pub crawl that night...but not before more surprises of cake and jello shots. And lots of pictures with party hats.
I even decided to take some nice pictures:

If you can't read the sash, it oh-so-cleverly says "It's My Birthday." I was grumbling at first because everyone insisted "You HAVE to wear it ALL night!" but once it got me a free drink at one of the pubs I shut up my complaining.
As you can see, it was quite the event. You've also probably noticed that I look, uuuhh, "different" in these pictures. I made a deal with my roommate Ally:
 a while ago that I don't actually remember the specifics of. All I know, is that I promised her I'd let her do my makeup at least 3 times this semester. So deciding this would be the perfect night for me to take on the role of "Barbie: Special Birthday Edition," I actually looked good for going out on my birthday. She wisely used mostly waterproof makeup so my sweaty face wouldn't look like it was melting off halfway through the night. The unfortunate part of this was not being able to get it off afterwards. I could have if I owned makeup remover, but I'm the girl who doesn't really own any makeup to be removed in the first place and who was too stupid to realize that all of her roommate have it. Only on the 3rd day did someone else realize, "Hey Emily, do you still have makeup on?" and offered me some.

Overall, it was a great birthday and I'm proud to say I remember ever moment of it! Shout out and thanks to everyone that helped do everything that made the day so awesome for me!

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