Thursday, March 7, 2013

Egypt here I come!

I'M GOING TO EGYPT THIS SPRING! Get excited for lots of pictures of a sunburnt Emily. And sand. And old things. And fun.

I actually have been wanting to do this/planning this since last summer. When I was in Tanzania I met some awesome people that work at international schools in Cairo and they offered a place to stay for anyone who wanted to visit. I figured no better time than now since I'm already across the pond and closer. It makes the flights waaaaay cheaper. I also have all of April to do stuff so if I've got the time, why not? Most importantly, I'd rather go when there's people I know there who can be built-in tour guides. Plus, who doesn't love visiting friends?

GET EXCITED EVERYONE!!!!! and if you won't get excited, I'll definitely make up for it cuz I'M PUMPED!

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