Sunday, February 10, 2013

Don't ASSume there aren't going to be any donkey joke...

On Sunday Maggie, Ally, a new friend Chelsea, and I decided to visit the Donkey Sanctuary that's near Cork. We found out the night before that it was one of those "near" Cork places. You know, when the place just latches on to the nearest city and says it's "near" there even if it's really 1 or 2 hours away.

We decided to take a bus to the nearest stop and then take a taxi to the actual sanctuary. Ironically the place was called Buttevant (teehee BUTT) to go along with our donkey themed day. We definitely found no end to our amusement of making ass related jokes. Unfortunately, we were not very prepared in the transportation department and hadn't actually brought along the number of a cab company we could call to come get us. We stopped into a Centra (they're kind of like a CVS kind of place) and asked one of the girls working there if they had a number we could call. One of them ran off somewhere and came back in a few minutes later saying that a cab was on its way for us. So thanking her, we waited outside for it to arrive. 
Ruining pictures as usual.
All cabs here have huge things on top of their cars that look like police lights but actually say TAXI in huge letters. We were more than a bit surprised then when a regular looking car stops. It was indeed our "cab" that had arrive. We're pretty sure he was just a friend of the girl's but he was nice and not creepy (always important) and took us there for pretty cheap. 

We arrived and as I expected, we could smell them before we could see them. We also came at feeding time so instead of lots of cute donkey faces greeting us we lots of ass's asses:

We decided to go on the "farm walk" since we figured we'd do something besides look at donkey butts and it was actually very pretty:
Of course Maggie in pictures again since she's always
walking in front of everyone.

 We eventually found our way to more donkeys who weren't nomming and were actually very friendly. We also ran into the guy who's father started the sanctuary and he was the typical cute old irish guy. he was also very informative and stopped to chat with us for a while while we were ogling at the donkeys. They also do this funny thing with their lips when you touch them. I guess it's reflexive if they think it's food but it looks pretty funny:
I tried to get a video but it didn't really work out. I did thankfully get this picture though:
and now you can all start the jokes about which one is the real ass.

We continued on our lovely walk and eventually got hungry ourselves and decided to *ahem* hop the fence and walk into the "town". There also was a castle there that we wanted to check out but the "town" ended up being about all of 2 streets with no place to eat. We did stop by the castle on our way back to the sanctuary which was pretty cool:

We couldn't actually go in, but we weren't too dissappointed because we wanted to get on our merry way we were so hungry. So we tropped back to the sanctuary finding this very accurate mural of basically everything in the area:
donkeys, a castle, and green hills. yup.

So we went back hopped the fence yet again, and headed back to Buttevant to get some grub at a little cafe which was delicious. So we went from butt, to asses, to butt again before finally catching the bus back to Cork. Made for a good day. I mean, hey, any day filled with ass jokes is a good day in my book.

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