Monday, June 25, 2012


Apparently Tanzania is a hard country name to remember. In all of my conversations about my up-coming trip, I've heard some interesting interpretations; a few being Tanzia, Taznia, Tazania, Tasmania, and Tunisia. While most simply butcher the name, I'm quite certain the folks who said those last two didn't realize they were in fact naming real places....just not the one I'm going to.
good job!
For those who have not talked to me within the last, oh few months or so, or for those who did not read the first paragraph, I'm currently preparing for a trip to Tanzania (not Tunisia). I'll be there for a little over 5 weeks; 4 of which I will spend volunteering at a school near the city of Arusha. The extra week was actually a spur of the moment decision. As I was buying my plane tickets, I asked myself, "When are you EVER going to be able to go to this area of the world again?" and since I am not Carmen Sandiego (unfortunately) or my sister for that matter, the answer was pretty definite: never. So rather than live under a rock for my entire trip, I figured why not do some exploring while there? My only goals, for now at least, are going to Zanzibar, a supposedly gorgeous island just off the coast of Tanzania, and taking a safari of some kind. People who have volunteered before say it's easier and cheaper to reserve stuff when over there so it'll be a surprise for everyone when we see where I go. While I know some people are not as pleased about this solo part of the trip (sorry mom and dad) I'm pretty over-the-moon excited about it.

When booking my flight I found that flying into the airport that's closer to Arusha was a good deal more expensive than flying into Nairobi, Kenya. Nairobi is a convenient 6 hour bus ride away from Arusha so being the cheap college student that I am, guess which travel route I chose? I'm actually pretty excited because even though I'll be dead tired from flying for nearly 24 hours (I have a layover in London), the bus ride will give me a nice view of the country.
so many miles. so little sleep.
The process for this whole shindig started way back in February with my application and paying the registration fee....then I forgot about it for a few months. Then I bought plane tickets and forgot about it again for a couple of weeks. Most of the preparation has actually occurred within the last month and half or so. I didn't mind the fun stuff like buying a new camera and getting a backpack. I was a kid on Christmas opening them up when they came in the mail. I even left wrapping strewn all over everywhere.

I was like this...
...when i saw this
Unfortunately, I had to deal with all of the not so fun stuff too like getting vaccinated and becoming un-vegetarian. In the gigantic 61 page welcome packet I was sent, IVHQ strongly emphasizes the point that I won't be able to eat as I normally do at home. Seeing as I didn't really have a reason to become a vegetarian in the first place, I shouldn't have had a problem switching. Buuuuuut, I realized I really just like being a vegetarian so although I don't want to, I am a carnivorous meat-eater now.

I'm getting the rest of my stuff together in these few days before leaving. Tanzania better be ready for this-
because it's only 3 days, 17 hours, and 18 minutes until it's headed their way! But really, who's counting?

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