Thursday, June 28, 2012

I should probably know more swahili at this point...

but really, all I can say is basically hello, yes, no, and thank you. I might wanna work on that. =/

So it's definitely gotten to that point where I realizes that this whole Tanzania thing is actually happening. I've packed and re-packed my bag a grand total of 3 times already and I'll probably repeat that again tomorrow. I even waited down to the second to check-in online for my flight tomorrow. I reeeeally wanted that aisle seat.

Also, as the great and almighty procrastinator I am, I ran a few last minute errands today for stuff that's actually pretty important. At least, it's important for me keeping up the blog. I hunted about for a cheap power adapter which is harder than you think. A lot of them now a days come in these GIGANTIC packages with equally GIGANTIC prices. They give you every adapter you ever would need on a round the world trip. Unfortunately, I only wanted one type (the british one) but since they don't sell them individually, I settled for a cheaper package, but it still had 6 or 7 adapters.

Another thing that I happily shelled out money for was an SD card reader for my iPad. Since I wasn't planning on bringing my laptop (which conveniently has an SD card reader built in) I was kind of upset I wouldn't be able to share pictures with you guys right away. So now, no one has to wait the 5 weeks until I get back to see my pictures! You all get to see the lovely pictures I take! And the not-so-lovely ones too. =)
There'll be awesome artsy ones like this!
And awkward not-so-artsy ones like this!
During these past few days in which I successfully suppressed my procrastination, I was also quite the social butterfly. Everyday it seemed like I was doing something with friends. Movies! Lunch! Beach! More movies! Oovooing! Skyping! It's actually quite the new experience for me to have the term "hang out with friends" actually mean do fun things with your friends. Not, herd 40 screaming campers to go swimming with other counselors you consider friends. Because that's how I'm used to spending my summers at this point. On this same side note, this will be the first time in 10 years I have not gone to camp during the summer, which is really pretty weird for me.

Anyway, when I was finally saying my goodbyes to people, the 2 things people said the most were "be careful!" and "have fun!". As if I truly decided to go to Tanzania in order to throw myself in danger's way and be a fun sucker the whole time. First off, I am a Baumann, which means I couldn't possibly go anywhere without having fun. I could be stranded in the middle of the Sahara Desert and I would be building sandcastles. Secondly, I'm in more danger of my mother's wrath than anything else that could possibly get me in trouble on this trip. So I'm going to avoid anything that will bring about that frightening scene.
This will not be me. I promise.
This will most likely be the last you hear from me before I arrive in Tanzania. I do have a lengthy layover in London but I've heard they charge a lot for internet use. So depending on the WiFi situation at my hotel in Nairobi, I might or might not be able to post an "I'm alive and well" post then. If there's no internet, I'll just wait until I get to home base in Arusha. Until then! Kwa herini!

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