Friday, July 13, 2012

Sorry it's been a while!

Everything here goes so fast I can't believe that 2 weeks have gone by already. Unfortunately for you guys, it also means I don't realize how long I go without updating. I guess it's a good sign in a way that I'm so busy and having fun =)

My volunteering is going okay so far, but it will probably be changing. The school is very well off for a school in the area; the kids have books and supplies, they have classrooms (three floors of them), and all of the teachers speak english well and a well educated. While I am helping them there, I feel like there are other schools that could benefit from my being there so much more. I talked to the person in charge of placement though and explained the situation so she said I'll probably be switched by Tuesday.

....Which won't be a problem since I'll be on a safari all weekend! I am SO FREAKING EXCITED =D We actually leave in 45 minutes so I'm trying to update before then. TVE, our volunteer organization organizes safaris for people and we get it for a fairly cheap price. Part of that is because our work visa that we needed to get gives us the rights of a resident of Tanzania. One of those is getting discounts on things like flights, entrance to tourist sites, and safaris! It 4 days and people that have gone already rave about it which makes me even more excited.

Most people have probably already seen my pictures from the adventures last weekend. Our group visited the home village of one of the secutiry guards who is Maasai. It was an awesome experience! The pictures definitely show more than I could write about but it was amazing.

 One of the big parts of the visit was buying a goat to have it killed. It's kind of like paying them twice because they get the money for the goat, but since most westerns will not take the goat home with them (I hope), they get to keep the meat and skin to sell. A bunch of us split the cost and got to watch the whole process. It seems I go from one extreme to the other; from being a vegetarian to watching a goat being killed and gutted. Ironic much?

Another huge aspect was the dancing. It not what we would necessarily call dancing, but it was still fun nonetheless. The most notable thing about it is that they can jump SO high. It's not even like they wind up for it or bend their legs they just spring up. When they brought us into the circle to try with them it was pretty pitiful for most of us since we couldn't jump very high.

So because of the time, I can't add photos in this one but here's the link for my facebook album which has all of my pictures so far. Enjoy!

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